Here is the consent form that you will have to sign in person at your next appointment. I have posted it here so you can read it, think about any questions or concerns you may have. We can discuss these at your appointment. If you are clear that you do not want to proceed with your appointment after reading this document. Please call the clinic and cancel your appointment.
COVID-19 Screening CONSENTS Accuracy of Information
No Guarantees About Contact with COVID-19.
I understand that while the therapist is following all the health and safety guidelines outlined by the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia and the Provincial Health Officer and that they are taking all reasonable precautions to clean and disinfect the clinic and all the surfaces within the treatment room, there are no guarantees that I may not come in contact with COVID-19.
I understand and I also agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the therapist from any and all claims, actions, expenses, damages and liabilities, including reasonable attorneys’ fees which might be asserted against her as a result of my having this treatment performed, or from my vising her workplace.
If the Therapist Tests Positive for COVID-19
I understand that in the event that the therapist is confirmed COVID-19 positive and I have been treated within two weeks of her showing symptoms, my personal information may be shared with Provincial Health Authorities for contract tracing.
I understand and agree.
If I Allege that I Caught COVID-19 from the Therapist
The therapist must immediately call public health at 8-1-1 to report the alleged transmission, providing both the therapists’ own name and the name and contact details of the patient. The patient must agree to the release of this information in order to receive treatment.
I understand and agree to the release of my personal information.
Turning Point Wellness Clinics Plan for Return to Clinical Practice in Respect of Covid-19
The clinic is opening under the conditions that are outlined in the document Plan for Return to Clinical Practice in Respect of Covid-19 as found on our website:
Patients must read this document in full prior to their appointment. This a living document and clinic procedures may change. It is the patient’s responsibility to check this document prior to every appointment to ensure that they are aware of and agree to protocols as relevant at the time of their appointment.
I have read, understood and agree to clinic practices as outlined in the document titled: Plan for Return to Clinical Practice in Respect of Covid-19
Patient Full Name:
Patient Signature:
Please note that this document will be scanned and put in your chart
No Guarantees About Contact with COVID-19.
I understand that while the therapist is following all the health and safety guidelines outlined by the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia and the Provincial Health Officer and that they are taking all reasonable precautions to clean and disinfect the clinic and all the surfaces within the treatment room, there are no guarantees that I may not come in contact with COVID-19.
I understand and I also agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the therapist from any and all claims, actions, expenses, damages and liabilities, including reasonable attorneys’ fees which might be asserted against her as a result of my having this treatment performed, or from my vising her workplace.
If the Therapist Tests Positive for COVID-19
I understand that in the event that the therapist is confirmed COVID-19 positive and I have been treated within two weeks of her showing symptoms, my personal information may be shared with Provincial Health Authorities for contract tracing.
I understand and agree.
If I Allege that I Caught COVID-19 from the Therapist
The therapist must immediately call public health at 8-1-1 to report the alleged transmission, providing both the therapists’ own name and the name and contact details of the patient. The patient must agree to the release of this information in order to receive treatment.
I understand and agree to the release of my personal information.
Turning Point Wellness Clinics Plan for Return to Clinical Practice in Respect of Covid-19
The clinic is opening under the conditions that are outlined in the document Plan for Return to Clinical Practice in Respect of Covid-19 as found on our website:
Patients must read this document in full prior to their appointment. This a living document and clinic procedures may change. It is the patient’s responsibility to check this document prior to every appointment to ensure that they are aware of and agree to protocols as relevant at the time of their appointment.
I have read, understood and agree to clinic practices as outlined in the document titled: Plan for Return to Clinical Practice in Respect of Covid-19
Patient Full Name:
Patient Signature:
Please note that this document will be scanned and put in your chart