Treatments we offer at Turning Point

Massage therapy
BC’s Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) are among the most educated and highly trained professionals in their field. To become an RMT in BC students must complete extensive training at an accredited college.
Standard educational requirements include comprehensive studies in health sciences such as anatomy, physiology, pathology, kinesiology and neuroanatomy. Other studies include clinical sciences such as manual skills, orthopaedics, remedial exercise, hydrotherapy and patient education. The management of chronic diseases, injuries and the effects of long-term stress are also studied extensive
Massage therapy in BC has been a regulated health care profession since 1946 and is legislated by the government under the BC. Health Profession Act. In 2001, the Health Professions Council (HPC) accepted a revised scope of practice definition proposed by the College of Massage Therapists of BC (CMTBC), the professions regulatory body. The proposed definition reads:
The practice of massage therapy is the assessment of soft tissue and joints of the body and the treatment and prevention of dysfunction, injury, pain and physical disorders of the soft tissues and joints by manual and physical methods to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical function to relieve pain and promote health.
Cranial Sacral therapy
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) was pioneered and developed by osteopathic physician John E. Upledger following extensive scientific studies from 1975 to 1983 at Michigan State University, where he served as a clinical researcher and Professor of Biomechanics.
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system - comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams, or about the weight of a nickel, practitioners release restrictions in the craniosacral system, which has been shown to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, as well as many other systems of the body, such as digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, and more. CST has also been shown to help with the physical components related to such somatic conditions as Post Traumatic Stress, depression and anxiety.
By facilitating the body's natural and innate healing processes, CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and is effective for helping people with a wide range of healthcare challenges associated with pain and dysfunction
TMJ therapy
TMJ syndrome is a blanket term for pain and dysfunction at the Temporomandibular Joints (your jaw joints). Symptoms range from grinding or clenching of teeth to simple clicking with or without pain and can even include headaches, neck tension and poor posture. At its worst your jaw literally locks closed.
Massage Therapy for TMJ Syndrome is an essential part of reducing the pain and improving the function of a problematic temporomandibular joint. In fact, the majority of the pain in these patients is a result of an imbalance in the surrounding myo-fascial (muscle and connective tissue) structures. The muscles are attempting to protect the jaw joint and reposition the jaw to avoid pain. However, because this is a constant activity, the muscle’s work never ends and the muscles begin to have problems. At first the healthy muscle goes into spasm while holding the jaw in a protected position. The muscle then becomes inflamed and tightens. This creates a strain on the TMJ and more pain which results in further spasm and so on.
Massage Therapy for the TMJ complex can help a muscle that has overly tightened. A tight muscle squeezes the arteries and veins going into and out of the muscles. Blood can not get into a tight muscle so there is a build up of waste products inside the muscle. This causes more pain and more tightening. This cycle keeps repeating itself until you seek help.
Massage Therapy for the TMJ complex releases the muscles and allows nourishing blood to get into the painful tissues. This allows the healing process to begin. At this point the therapist is able to look at muscle imbalances in the jaw and surrounding tissues. Once the pain is under control the therapist will treat the underlying cause of the condition.
A good home care program and regular massage therapy can prevent TMJ from returning.
Pregnancy massage (using pregnancy pillows)
During pregnancy a woman’s body undergoes many changes. For many women, this time is affected by various stresses both physical and emotional. Massage Therapy is a natural solution for reducing stress and achieving an overall sense of well-being during pregnancy and postpartum.
Post-natal massage helps to reduce muscle tension and fatigue and addresses the physical strain that results from carrying and caring for a newborn. Treatments decrease muscular pain associated with breastfeeding and poor posture and reduces scar tissue formation after a c-section. Our RMT’s will help you rehabilitate muscular imbalances and weaknesses that result from pregnancy.
Our maternity massage pillow sits comfortably on top of the massage table and allows the expecting mother to lay comfortably face down at any stage of pregnancy. As well, it allows a mother who has had a c-section or is nursing to lay face down safely and comfortably during the massage.
Eden energy medicine (not covered by extended health)
Eden energy medicine or energy healing is the practice of balancing the bodies own energy systems to improve health and wellness.
Every cell, organ, feeling, thought has a vibrational signature, every atom in the universe has a electromagnetic charge and when your body gets sick, hurt or stressed those vibrational signatures and charges get stagnant or scrambled which can possibly lead to discomfort and disease.
Eden Energy Medicine engages 9 different energy systems, some being recognizable such as chakras, the aura, and meridians.
By using energy techniques to balance and restore the flow of energy your body can go back to functioning they way it is designed to ideally function. When the energies of the body are flowing and healthy you are healthy too.
Many of the principles of energy medicine have been traced back more than two thousands years but have been left behind or ignored in developed cultures. As our society takes an active role in its wellbeing, seeking a wellness model that maintains their health, people have re-discovered the benefits of energy healing practices. Looking for modalities that address the whole person, Eden energy medicine looks at the relationship between mind/body/spirit. By creating space the ideal flow of energy can be restored allowing for ease of movement through the bodies 9 energetic systems, thus improving health and wellness.
S.I.T - subconscious imprinting technique (not covered by extended health)
Subconscious Imprinting Technique (SIT) is a modality working with the subconscious mind to reveal the ‘root’ cause of repressed emotions, unresolved traumas, limiting beliefs, negative behaviours, and old worn-out patterns that you store at a subconscious level that then contribute to chronic pain, self-sabotaging behaviours, negative energies, lack and limitations in your life.
The process of SIT involves REPROGRAMMING your subconscious mind through a series of statements intended to ‘strip away’ the old systems that you have been operating from, and then RESTORING it with more empowering, new, positive and loving statements that you resonate with what you desire
During pregnancy a woman’s body undergoes many changes. For many women, this time is affected by various stresses both physical and emotional. Massage Therapy is a natural solution for reducing stress and achieving an overall sense of well-being during pregnancy and postpartum.
Post-natal massage helps to reduce muscle tension and fatigue and addresses the physical strain that results from carrying and caring for a newborn. Treatments decrease muscular pain associated with breastfeeding and poor posture and reduces scar tissue formation after a c-section. Our RMT’s will help you rehabilitate muscular imbalances and weaknesses that result from pregnancy.
Our maternity massage pillow sits comfortably on top of the massage table and allows the expecting mother to lay comfortably face down at any stage of pregnancy. As well, it allows a mother who has had a c-section or is nursing to lay face down safely and comfortably during the massage.
Eden energy medicine (not covered by extended health)
Eden energy medicine or energy healing is the practice of balancing the bodies own energy systems to improve health and wellness.
Every cell, organ, feeling, thought has a vibrational signature, every atom in the universe has a electromagnetic charge and when your body gets sick, hurt or stressed those vibrational signatures and charges get stagnant or scrambled which can possibly lead to discomfort and disease.
Eden Energy Medicine engages 9 different energy systems, some being recognizable such as chakras, the aura, and meridians.
By using energy techniques to balance and restore the flow of energy your body can go back to functioning they way it is designed to ideally function. When the energies of the body are flowing and healthy you are healthy too.
Many of the principles of energy medicine have been traced back more than two thousands years but have been left behind or ignored in developed cultures. As our society takes an active role in its wellbeing, seeking a wellness model that maintains their health, people have re-discovered the benefits of energy healing practices. Looking for modalities that address the whole person, Eden energy medicine looks at the relationship between mind/body/spirit. By creating space the ideal flow of energy can be restored allowing for ease of movement through the bodies 9 energetic systems, thus improving health and wellness.
S.I.T - subconscious imprinting technique (not covered by extended health)
Subconscious Imprinting Technique (SIT) is a modality working with the subconscious mind to reveal the ‘root’ cause of repressed emotions, unresolved traumas, limiting beliefs, negative behaviours, and old worn-out patterns that you store at a subconscious level that then contribute to chronic pain, self-sabotaging behaviours, negative energies, lack and limitations in your life.
The process of SIT involves REPROGRAMMING your subconscious mind through a series of statements intended to ‘strip away’ the old systems that you have been operating from, and then RESTORING it with more empowering, new, positive and loving statements that you resonate with what you desire